Why Therapy & What To Expect
What you should know! As a child grows and develops, they learn different skills like walking, talking, waving and more. These skills are markers, called “developmental milestones”. They are skills that children should be able to do at different ages, but remember children grow at their own rate.
Developmental delays are when a child is not reaching those milestones within that age range, and are more than “a little behind”.
How Do I Know If My Child Has A Developmental Delay?
There are 5 main groups of skills that make up the developmental milestones, let’s take a look:
Cognitive or Thinking Skills: this is the area that deals with problem solving or cause and effect.
These would be like the inability to follow simple directions, pointing at objects, using gestures, stacking blocks, using a spoon.Motor Skills (Fine and Gross) or Movement: this is the area where they are not able to move and explore their environment
These would be difficulty in standing, walking, crawling or unable to roll over. Picking up small objects, or grasping for things.Speech and Language Skills: this is the area the involves difficulty in communicating verbally or in expressing and receiving information
These would be does not babble or respond to sound, not able to utter a single word.Vision Skills: this area involved how they can see
This area primarily deals with if the baby is able to track an object as it moves across in front of them, does not follow near or far objects with both eyes.Social and Emotional Skills: this area is how they interact with others (adults other children)
These would signs of anxiousness or anger, cries out quickly in difficult situations, uncomfortable in new situations.
If you have a concern that your child is not reaching these milestones, you should contact your child’s pediatrician.